Saturday, December 10, 2011

Cheap Electricity - Tips to Lower Your electric Bill

Cheap electricity, or at least a lower electric bill, is something you can have with a petite effort from your end. Small changes in your household habits will have a huge impact in your savings. If you find it hard to remember switching off the light in a room every time you go out, you might want to start with focusing on taking care of appliances that consume a big chunk of your power supply.

electric kettle

Among the biggest consumers of electricity in your household are heating and air conditioning systems, refrigerators and freezers.


If you use an electric heating ideas for your water, you can try decreasing its power by decreasing the thermostat setting. You can turn it down petite by little, but you might want to keep it not lower than 60 degrees C, the water heat level recommended by health experts. Water with much higher temperature may scald your skin or leave it dry, anyway.

You should also look into your consumption of hot water, of course. You can begin by limiting your shower time. If you have been using warm water for washing your clothes, maybe you should try using cold water, if possible. Warm water only discolors most types of fabrics.

Similar to your water heater, the room heating ideas in your house might need to be turned down by a join of degrees. You can save up to about 15 percent in your power bill if you reduce your heat setting by a singular degree.

If you use an air conditioner in your home, reconsider addition the thermostat setting by 2 degrees. An electricity company would familiarize you that even by just a singular degree you can cut off 10 percent from your quarterly bill.

Well-insulated houses have lower electric bills. Less heat or less cool air, whichever the case may be, escapes your house if you it has permissible insulation.

You have to keep your refrigerator running 24/7, so all you could do is to turn up the thermostat to help decrease its power consumption. Also, an old refrigerator or freezer commonly runs less efficiently than a new one. If you are inspecting buying a new one, look for energy-saving features, such as door seals, improved compressor and defrost mechanisms. Refrigerators and freezers are also displayed now in market with energy efficiency ratings to guide you which models would give you the best savings.

These are just some of the ways to help you lower your electric bill. There may not be such a thing as cheap electricity these days, but you precisely can do something to save money and conserve energy.

Cheap Electricity - Tips to Lower Your electric Bill



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