Monday, July 18, 2011

galvanic Eels

Before I start I just want to say that the electric eel isn't surely an eel. It is surely a type of fish called a knifefish. Electric eels are some of the strangest enigma's of the water. Population have been able to harness the electricity that the eel generates to power Christmas trees!

The electric eel is the biggest organism in its house and rightly so. They can grow up to 6 feet! At this size they are typically 45 pounds. The males of the species typically have a darker color skin. Where humans mouths are circular an electric eel mouth is shaped like a square. They are kinda like dolphins in the fact that they breathe air instead of water. They take gulps of air approximately every 10 minutes which gives them the majority of their oxygen. Their most developed sense is their sense of hearing.


Now let's talk a exiguous bit about the most famous attribute of an this eel, and that is its electric generating capabilities. The eel has 3 sets of 2 types of organ. The main organ is called the hunter organ and the second organ is called the sachs organ. These organs take up a rather large whole of space in the body. These two organs allow the eel to generate both low voltage and high voltage shocks.

The electric eel is known to use their capability to dismissal electric shocks to defend itself and also to hunt by striking the prey or the attacker while it escapes or attacks. Any way the electric eel also has the capability to generate a very low electric field around it that it uses to track prey and also avoid confrontation with bigger animals. This low power field is generated by the sachs organ.

The electric eel can generate up to 600 watts of energy. That's more than your wall socket so you remember when you were a kid and your mom would tell you not to put anything in the wall socket because it could kill you? Well the eel is a bit more deadly than that. This electric shock is generated by the hunter organ. The hunter organ can recharge around once an hour without the eel getting exhausted. When an eel is a teenage it can only generate around 100 watts of power but this is often more than enough to avoid predators. Despite what you might have seen the electric eel does not have only 6000 cells that generate electricity that have 6000 electroplaques.

One of the more consuming things about an electric eel is how it breeds. They breed during the dry season in south America and the male creates a nest made out of its own saliva. Then the female lays her eggs in the nest. Straight through this process up to 17,000 babies can come out of this (however they are known to each their brothers and sisters while they are still in the egg so having this many is unlikely).

galvanic Eels



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