Friday, July 22, 2011

electric Dog Collar

Once you have understood that electric dog collars are gentle and humane dog training tools, your next step is to select the right electric collar and learn the right way to use it.

These are the main things you have to remember in choosing an electric collar:


The range of the static should be adjustable. Dog shock collars have dials or buttons for changing the intensity of the static shock released. There should be a wide range to make sure that you get the right level for your dog. You should be able to turn it up or down depending on your pet's reaction. Collar length should be adjustable. The dog collar should be adjustable to make sure your pet is comfortable with the collar nearby his neck. It should not be too tight or too loose. The dog collar width should not be too thick. Thick collars are uncomfortable for your pet. As you know, dogs don't sweat. If the collar is too thick, it would be like your dog is wearing a scarf nearby his neck and this will cause him hurt and he might exertion to get the collar off. Get an electric collar that is lightweight. A heavy collar can cause hurt to the dog or may make them feel like their on a leash or tied down. Make sure that the shock collar you get is light.

With those requirements, you also have to think the size, breed and age of your dog. A puppy will undoubtedly need a milder training collar compared to a full grown dog. A Chihuahua will most undoubtedly wish something smaller and lighter compared to a German Shepherd or a St. Bernard.

So, after buying the right electric collar for your pet, you have to make sure you use it right. At first, you may want to test it on yourself to check the intensity of the static shock. Next, adjust the level of static based on your dog's reaction. Never let your dog see you with the remote to avoid making him associate the shock to you retention it. Once you've reached a level of static that elicits a uncostly reaction, like obscuring or a mild shake of the head, this will tell you that your dog has felt the buzz from the collar. Just remember to correct the unwanted activity at the exact occasion your dog performed it so he can associate the activity to the static. Once your dog learns not to achieve the unwanted action, you can stop using the shock collar and go back to a quarterly one.

An electric dog collar comes in handy in training your dog to be the lovable pet he's supposed to be. With this collar, you can prevent him from destroying your or your neighbors' garden and chasing after other animals in the neighborhood. Once he's trained, even your neighbors will love your pet.

electric Dog Collar



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