Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stun Batons For Self Defense - The Scary galvanic Stick

20 years ago very few habitancy worried about being mugged or attacked with a cattle prod, the conception of electricity as a weapon was still new. Now, over the United States and abroad it is happening. Maybe it is because stun guns and stuns batons are nonlethal or cheap. Maybe it is because they are ready where guns are not or it could just be a composition of all of those. In an odd sort of way, it is a very strong endorsement as to its effectiveness.

Stun guns and stun batons both work on the same principal; 800,000 volts will get your attention. That sounds like it is sufficient electricity to turn you into charcoal but it is not and here is why. Electricity has volts and amps. You can raise the volts by lowering the amps. In the case of stun guns and stun batons they have only the tiniest of amps because the volts are so high. There is an old electricians' adage that says "Volts don't kill you, amps do".


Both stun guns and stun batons have a place in law enforcement, but the stun baton has some advantages.

- Stun batons are a good close quarters weapon. In places with crowds the stun gun becomes ineffective. In a place like a crowed street, a short dinky tap can encourage two men about to fight to step down. Also places like jail and prison the stun baton is a good choice.

- Its easier to operate the number of charge used. Many times it just takes a quick bump to get someone's concentration and make them not want to find out what the stun baton can undoubtedly do.

- It is more intimidating. A stun gun does not look that scary. Any baton, stun or otherwise, is still basically a big scary stick. It is all the time good to intimidate man into submission than to have to resort to violence.

- It can be used on complicated assailants. Rather than being attached to one person, the office can "correct" complicated people. In a near riot situation that capability is crucial.

Electric weapons such as stun guns and stun batons are beginning to play a larger role in law compulsion because they are not only effective but nonlethal. Used properly and in the right situation they protect both the officer and the suspect buy reducing the need to use more violent and hazardous options.

Stun Batons For Self Defense - The Scary galvanic Stick



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