Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dog Shock Collars - Do They Work?

I have had mixed results with dog shock collars.  They can be a beneficial aid if used correctly, any way you have to make sure that they are not over used.  Dog training collars can be used in many situations, such as training your dog to sacrifice barking, or if your dog has a behavioral problem, such as nipping, biting or immoderate licking. 

One of the main dog shock collars is the remote shock collar, which usually come with different functions, such as vibrate and shock.  usually you would use the vibrate function first and then use the shock as a last resort.  The vibration function is a little on the uncomfortable side for your dog.  The purpose is to use this when your dog is misbehaving which will hopefully deter your dog. 


The shock element of the collar is a static shock which is quiet unpleasant.  Yes I have tried it on myself!! Not the nicest thing I have experienced!!  and have to say it does give a sting.  When should you use the collar?  The point of the collar again is to deter your dog from misbehaving or follow your command.   The idea behind this is that your dog will learn and connect the vibrate or sting of the shock with your commands. 

I have tried this myself with some success and used correctly can work, any way its very prominent that the dog shock collars are used in the spoton way.  It should not just be used unless there is a good reason.  Before you use a shock collar, you need to understand what you want to get from it.   For example, is it because your dog is barking excessively, this is a comm problem and a beloved use of the dog shock collar, if used correctly it surely can help.  However, its prominent to understand the thinking behind your dogs barking,  what is causing your dog to bark, there is usually a good reason and you need to get to the lowest of this.  Just using a dog shock collar may work in the short term, any way in the long term your dog may become immune to it. 

You also need to take into catalogue the moral side of using a shock collar, some would say that it is cruel and unfair to your dog.  As I said earlier, I believe that dog shock collars do have a place if used correctly and not abused. 

Dog Shock Collars - Do They Work?



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